"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart." -William Wordsworth

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Road Less Traveled By: Final Remarks

Well ladies and gents, it's about that time. It's time for an adventure. Got my passport, Euros, British Pounds, my backpack and miniature toothpaste. I'm set and ready to leave for the British Iles in exactly two days. Tomorrow I will be driving up to Utah with my parents, then my flight out of Salt Lake City and to another continent begins on Wednesday. I wanted to shortly post about my last minute feelings before I embark on this journey.

There's this quote by German-American writer Charles Bukowski that reads, "Find what you love and let it kill you." I always knew that if I live my life for my passions and keep that spark alive, my life would find so much joy and fulfillment. I will always do the things that I love and nothing will ever stop me from living my dreams. This is a happy life, I believe. I think often that people get so caught up by the distractions of life and lose themselves along the way. They make different choices in life's journey and lose that spark of what was once their passion. I vow to this day to never, ever lose that spark. I encourage everyone to never get so distracted that they forget who they were or what once made them a human being in the first place. If you don't know where your spark is or what gets you excited, go find it.
"Two roads diverged in a road, and I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference." Separate yourself from the world and take the less traveled path. Take the forsaken road and see what happens. It will make "all the difference."
I think by the creation of this blog I have made it very clear endless times what my passions are and what revs me, but I want to make it absolutely translucent to anyone that knows me that I will never, ever stop sharing what I love with others. I will never stop because when I do, it is a renewed sense of devotion for me about what I'm supposed to be doing in my life. As individual and exquisite human beings, we are never supposed to stop doing the things we love. We were born to be unique.

This last month of preparation has been hard for me. My bank account is sobbing and I have been stressed beyond measure about all the many things I've had to do, buy, and get in order. I've been sleep deprived from late night farewells with others or anxiety-inspired dreams. It's been hard, but this last week, while all my affairs are finally coming to closure, I was thinking about the hardships I've been through to go on this trip and just laughed. I had forgotten what excited me so much about this trip in the first place! I thought back to myself six months ago--bright-eyed, committed, and ambitious. The truth is, I am absolutely thrilled and excited to go on this trip. It won't be that long and yes, I wish it were three months instead of three weeks, but any ounce of traveling for me and any extent that I get to tour my dream place with my school is something to be thrilled about and something to share with others. Yes those pre-trip anxieties can be a distraction, but I just know that once I'm on that small, international flight with my Kindle in my hand and with the anticipation of what's outside those plane windows, I know all the stress and doubts I had in my mind will vanish and my perspective will be clear again. I'm accomplishing a dream of mine. I'm one step closer to what life has in store for me. Taking the road less traveled by is making all the difference in the world for me.

I'll close with expressing, again, gratitude for the love and support from my friends and family. I know that I could not do this without any of them. I will miss everyone while I'm gone and will see you all next month. All I ask is prayers of safe travel and wishes for the best of luck. You can expect lots of pictures when I get back but until then, farewell!


  1. Mel, may you never lose that spark as so many do. Life is full of so many exciting things to explore. I hope that this is only the beginning for you. Can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures of course!!
