"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart." -William Wordsworth

Thursday, August 8, 2013

De-bugging: To My Readers

So I've heard from a lot of my readers that they are not getting my blog post updates even though they subscribed by email. I have looked into this issue and I think Google has fixed this for those who are not receiving my updates. So here are some simple solutions to "de-bug" these blog issues as well as more options to stay connected to this blog:

Try entering your email (again, if you have already tried) into the "follow by email" box you will find on the right. --->
It is listed right under my short bio and website URLs. When you enter it in, a second screen will pop up and it asks you to type in a code. I think it's required you type in that code or else you won't receive the updates. Type it in, then the next screen that pops up will say that your email is confirmed and that you should receive updates. If you still don't receive them, comment on this post and let me know and I will try to look into it more. That will be super helpful.

Another issue to fix this, is just to subscribe to me. That way my feed will pop up in your Google reading list. Even if you don't have a blog, I believe it is still possible to subscribe. It will be listed under "blogger" in your Google account. Also, if any of my readers have me on Facebook, every time I have a new post I update that on Facebook. So that is definitely an option.

Another way to keep in touch is to find me on my website! There you will find some more works done by me, my resume, career path, and perhaps a little more about me as well! The website is--


There you are also able to email me and let me know what you think of my work. Keep commenting and emailing. Feedback is super important to a writer and inquirer. I already appreciate all the support I've received! My blog is getting more page views everyday which I am so grateful for. Keep reading!

I am working on a new post that will be published this Sunday. So until then, have a great weekend to all!

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